Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Health Administarion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Health Administarion - Essay Exampleze and remember the mission, goals and objectives of this organization and ensure that whatever changes will be suggested about the timberland improvement are in line with this mission and aim to achieve it.A mentioned earlier, the quality improvement goal of this health care organization is to taper solely on terminally ill patients by offering them several services that are not offered in a regular hospital and at the same time ensure that this health facility will be more like a second home to them than a hospital therefore the relaxation atmosphere and freedom will be guaranteed as well as taking care of their health conditions in a comfortable manner. around of the services in the quality improvement plan include counseling services, follow up on their drug administration and finally the most master(prenominal) of all is recreational facilities and services. This research will focus more on recreational services since it is not sole(preno minal) unique from the other services mentioned preceding(prenominal) that are offered in a hospice but it takes the minds of these patients from their conditions and they focus their energy and time on more happy things that will be in the facility.Implementation of the supra mentioned facilities will make this organization unique and indeed famous. Fame will ensure that the quality of the health care organization will not in all way be compromised, more patients will be booked in the facilities , the facility will have more profits, hire more staff and hence create jobs and finally and most important is the fact that it will have fulfilled and achieved its goals, objectives and mission.This organization is solely a health care organization counseling on terminally ill patients and whose mission is to ensure that the terminally ill patients booked in this facility get to lead their sick days in comfort and peace. In order to fulfill the above stated mission, the organization wi ll provide several services that will ensure that not only are the patients happy but so

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